Rescatux Downloads 2010/08/20

(Update: 2010/08/25) Rescatux 0.08 won’t fix EXT4 based systems. That means that it will only work with Ubuntu 8.04 and upgrades to Ubuntu 8.10 (not Ubuntu 9.04, Ubuntu 9.10…). I hope that I had known this before but Ubuntu users did not reply to my Rescatux test request on forum.

You can try 0.10 only if your system is AMD64. I suppose it will handle ext4 without any problem.

Rescatux 0.08 Cdrom ISO for x86 Mirror #1 Mirror#2 MD5 (358 Megabytes)

Rescatux 0.08 USB for x86 Mirror #1 Mirror#2 MD5 (358 Megabytes)

Rescatux 0.10 Cdrom or USB ISO for AMD64 Mirror #1 Mirror #2 MD5 (444 Megabytes)

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