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How do I remove GRUB?

Other titles for this same problem.

  • I have removed Linux partition but I see GRUB at boot and I cannot access my Windows
  • I am tired of Linux who do I remove that GRUB thing.
  • How do I hide my Linux installation?

Quick solution

  1. WIN => MBR & !WIN!  :(((((((((((((((((
  2. SGD fixes Windows automagically for you and boots Windows again.

Classical solution

  • Choose Language & HELP  :-))


Advanced solution

Sometimes the partition where Windows is found might not be the first one. If you want to recover a non-standard Windows installation (like a laptop one).you can choose:

  1. Choose Language & HELP  :-))
  2. English Super Grub Disk
  3. Windows
  4. Windows (Advanced)
  5. Fix Boot of Windows
  6. Select the partition where Windows is found.


This feature neither it is available at the Rescapp program nor it is available at the Super Grub2 Disk included with Rescatux. If you want to have this feature at the Rescapp program please complain at the super grub disk mailing list.

Tecnical explanation

When you fix the boot of Windows what you are doing is saving a program called syslinux in the MBR (usually from first hard disk) that chainloads automatically the first partition of this hard disk with the active flag. Windows partition is also made active (it has the flag). These all tasks make that Windows boots in the next boot.

One thing you should know

  • These methods only restore Windows boot if it already booted successfully before a Linux partition. If you have restored Windows from a tar.gz without saving its partition boot sector it won't boot. You will have to use the FIXMBR and FIXBOOT from a recovery disk.


If you cannot fix Windows this way you can always try to Boot Windows and then try to recover the Windows boot from within your Windows installation.

External resources

TODO. If you have any link you are free to write it here.